The Joy of the Lord is my Strength. Neh. 8:10

“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Galatians 5:22-23

In our cozy farm kitchen, there’s a small painted sign with a green potted plant that says, “Today I Choose Joy.” Got me thinking… Really, Lord??  Now in the dictionary, JOY is defined:  to experience great pleasure or delight.  How can we possibly have this JOY because as everyone knows, life is hard and can be difficult. Our families go through real storms. There are relationship struggles at work, financial issues and those bills that need to be paid.  Accidents happen, people get ill and we are a text message away from disaster. Then, there is the whirlwind of political drama out there. If we choose JOY, it won’t be because of a lack of problems.

Let’s focus on the word choose. Being happy is often tied to our circumstances, whereas JOY chooses to view the world through the eyes of faith, on what is not seen yet. JOY does not depend on changeable circumstances; instead, on a trustworthy God who never changes. ~A light bulb moment~  We have a God who values and  delights in us, and who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Christian JOY then, is about placing our hope in the Sovereign God of the universe, and in His son, Jesus, who sends us another counselor, the Holy Spirit, who is poured out on us, and work in us. His presence brings assurance…before, behind, and within us.  This is good news!!

Jesus comforts us, his followers, by reminding us that God cares for all His creation, like a gardener.” I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener”.  We are the branches and can bear fruit as long as we remain attached to the vine and in Him.” John 15: 1 ~A light bulb moment~ the need to stay connected to the vine. My upwelling of JOY comes from outside ourself, as we allow the Holy Spirit to guide our walk.   This means we can have this JOY and hope, not ignoring the pain, but in the midst of it all…drought, crop failures, hail, microbursts…as a farm family, I’ve experienced them all, so the following verse speaks to my heart, “Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen, and no cattle in the stalls, YET I will  REJOICE in the Lord.

The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights.” Habakkuk 3: 17-19. Yes!! Thank you, Lord!  You are our provider, our way maker, our miracle worker, our defender, light in the darkness. Look for the miracle. Just think of Elijah, expectantly waiting, sending forth his servant 6 times before, on the 7th time, a small cloud appeared in the distance, and finally the approaching rain!

Stepping outdoors, in the fresh air and sunshine, it seems God has spared no extravagance to awaken our senses!!  He fills up our senses with his flair for color and design. Just take in all the sights, sounds, tastes, textures, and fragrances around that can make you feel energetic and fully alive!!

There’s no limit to what creation tells us about God.  After all, He could have just given us a basic black and white world with food, air, water and a source of energy.  But instead, He encourages me to fill up a gratitude list from A-Z!!!  “This is the day which the Lord has made; let us REJOICE and be glad in it.” Psalm 118: 24

Another source of Joy, that brings us hope, is an invitation from the Lord. He invites us out of the fullness of His love for us, to bring to Him in prayer, whatever is troubling us. My friends and the team and guests at our family farm know me as a cheerful, positive person. However, along with the grey clouds in the dark season of winter, I can struggle at times with anxiety and depression. It can pop up out of nowhere. When I am dealing with these feelings, I need to stop and pray for mercy, and to ask the Holy Spirit to meet me in the midst of this pain. His constant presence sends the glimmer of HOPE I so need to carry on. Yes!!

So, whatever is troubling us… whether it is upcoming surgery, medical tests, loss of a loved one, addiction, fatigue, panic attacks, academic concerns, family situations, whatever it is, the Lord invites us to place it at His feet. We can panic with change.  Most of us don’t like change. Yet, when we place our faith in Christ, we have a Helper, a Comforter, and who can bring us JOY in this gift of assurance:  His abiding, constant presence. He has promised never to leave us alone.    “Weeping may endure for a night, but JOY comes in the morning.” Psalm 30:5

 JOY is knowing that even when we mess up and feel undeserving, the Lord is at our right hand, because He cares deeply for us. We are His masterpiece, even though we are works in progress…He is creative, and can take our goofs, and transform them into something beautiful. Faith is not believing God will, it’s knowing He can.  Our mess becomes His message, and this message, our testimony. And He gets all the praise and the glory, “Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.” Psalm 36: 5

Vibrant praise and worship in our church family, each Sunday morning, must bring such JOY: delight and pleasure, to the Lord!!! As we gather, in person or virtually, Father God hears the melody of our heart’s deep gratitude. We grow closer to Him as we pray for others, listen to His word, and fellowship together.  We take precious time to appreciate all the blessings that flow from the one who provides the Fruit of the Spirit, JOY.

 “The JOY of the Lord is your Strength.” Nehemiah 8:10

Susan Hurd